Adopted: September 14, 1988
The name of this Organization shall be Long-Coverdale Lake Association, Inc., a nonprofit corporation located in Porter Township, Cass County, Michigan.
The purpose of this Association shall be:
1. To promote the education of riparian property owners, watershed residents and other users of Long-Coverdale Lake about water quality and water safety; could include but are not limited to,
● historical data
● boater safety
● water safety
● lake etiquette
● any / all applicable laws
2. To communicate issues which concern the lake environment and support the measurement and evaluation of hydrological data of Long-Coverdale Lake, these could include but are not limited to,
● monitoring of the water supply in the lake and watershed
● maintenance of water quality
● mosquito control
● waterfowl control
● fish stocking
● invasive lake species
● testing for water clarity or quality
● signage at launch ramp and channel
3. To liaise with the local government, the State of Michigan, environmental and riparian entities to assist in planning and for proactive measures affecting the lake; to make informed decisions about policies that affect Long-Coverdale Lake and to promote understanding among the riparian property owners and other users of Long-Coverdale Lake with regard to issues including but not limited to,
● Proposals/referendums/ordinances for county and township policies affecting Long-Coverdale Lake
● information from Michigan Lakes & Streams
● information regarding lake analysis
● information from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
4. To promote community, inclusion and cooperation through communication, social events and/or acts of service. These could be in collaboration with adjoining lake associations, community organizations and/or businesses.
5. To inform and educate residents on the safety of all activities that we enjoy on and in the lakes. To promote community by celebrating family and friends through programs that include multi-generational activities.
Section 1
The term “member", as used herein, is defined as either a single person, eighteen (18) years of age or older, or a family unit, or several individuals acting as a single party (insofar as their activity or interest in Long-Coverdale Lake is concerned), owning property on Long-Coverdale Lake.
For purposes of voting, one person shall act to represent the member(s) of which he or she is a part (one vote per membership). Membership status shall be granted to individual property tax paying members (18 years and older) or to the household unit.
Section 2
Associate memberships shall be open to persons who are interested in the Association but who do not own riparian property. Associates shall have all the privileges of membership except making motions, voting, or holding office.
Section 3
Residents with taxable real estate adjoining property with riparian rights to the lake are eligible for full membership with all rights and privileges.
Section 4
Membership shall be from July 1 to June 30 of the next calendar year.
Section 5
Dues shall be $50, payable annually beginning June 1st. To remain current, membership dues must be paid before July 1st. Membership dues may be subject to change each year by a vote of a majority of members present at a meeting of the Board. Delinquent members cannot vote until dues are current.
Section 1
The Board shall govern the Long-Coverdale Lake Association. The Board shall consist of the duly elected officers of the Association.
Section 2
Neighborhood Captains shall keep residents in their areas informed and aware of the Association's purposes and current activities, contact any new residents in their area, and bring the concerns of residents in their area to the attention of the Board.
The perimeter of the lake shall be divided into 17 geographic areas.
Section 3
Officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and will be elected at the meeting in August by a majority of those members present. Officers will serve two-year terms and may be re-elected. Officers will serve a two-year term with a maximum of two terms.
· EVEN YEARS: President and Treasurer (elected for 2-year term)
· ODD YEARS: Vice-President and Secretary (elected for 2-year term)
A member can present a nomination of candidate(s) to the Board and the nomination shall be included in the notice of the meeting to be sent to all members at least two weeks prior to that meeting. Floor nominations will only be accepted for open positions where there are no nominees. Further nominations may be made and seconded by any member at the meeting, provided he/she has received the consent of the person being nominated. No person may be nominated without his or her express consent.
Vacancies shall be filled at any time and must follow terms of the bylaws. Each Board member shall hold office until a successor has been elected and qualified, or until resignation or removal.
Any Board member may resign from office at any time by providing a letter of resignation to the Board, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make such resignation effective.
Any Board member may be removed by a majority vote at any meeting by the members at the meeting. This would be more than a 75% majority vote done by ballot.
A Board member shall not receive compensation for their services, except that the Board may authorize reimbursement of expenditures reasonably incurred on behalf of the activities for the benefit of the Association.
Section 4
For the purposes of running for the Board, candidates must be a riparian property owner and current member of Long-Coverdale Lake Association AND at least 1 of the following:
1. Riparian Owner/Member in good standing for the previous 3 years.
2. Served as a committee chairperson and/or an active member of said committee for at least one (1) year, (Example: Social Committee, Conservation Committee, water testing, etc.).
3. An individual that is solicited by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting prior to being considered as a candidate.
Section 5
The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association between annual meetings, call special meetings as needed to inform members or to seek action by the membership, fix the time and place of meetings, or make recommendations to the Association. It shall, either as a whole or through its member committees, prepare an annual budget in August to be voted on by the Association, provide informational programs, recommend annual dues at the annual meetings, audit the treasurer's books, and present recommendations and resolutions to the Association for appropriate actions and activities. The Board shall be subject to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and shall take no action in conflict with the purposes as stated in these Bylaws.
The Board shall have the general power to control and manage the affairs of the Association in accordance with the purpose and limitations set forth in the Bylaws.
PRESIDENT Roles and Responsibilities will include:
· Maintain regular contact with Department of National Resources (DNR), Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE), and Cass County Marine Sheriff for information.
· Maintain communication with Baldwin Lake Association and Indiana Lake Association.
· Schedule mosquito sprays.
· Present at and run every meeting.
· Determine meeting agendas with the board.
· Communicate with all the committee chairs regularly & before meetings for updates.
· Understand & adhere to the bylaws.
VICE PRESIDENT Roles and Responsibilities will include:
· The Vice President, shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and shall perform such other duties as the Board shall prescribe.
· Be in charge of Fireworks.
· In charge of Long-Coverdale Lake Association apparel & merchandise.
· Water testing & quality issues.
· Determine meeting agendas with the President.
· Understand & adhere to the bylaws.
SECRETARY Roles and Responsibilities will include:
· The Secretary or designated recorder shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and record all votes and take the minutes of all proceedings. Minutes shall be reviewed and accepted at the next scheduled meeting.
· Create and send out meeting Agenda.
· Create and send out meeting Minutes.
· Handle Social Media posts & updates.
· Check and respond to emails as needed.
· In charge of Long-Coverdale Lake website (updating) as needed.
· Determine meeting agendas with the President.
· Understand & adhere to the bylaws.
TREASURER Roles and Responsibilities will include:
· The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds and securities of the Board and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements and shall deposit all monies in the bank account.
· The Treasurer and President are signatories on the bank accounts for the Lake Association.
· The Treasurer shall provide to the Board at regular meetings, or whenever they may require it, an account of all transactions as Treasurer of the financial condition of the Association.
· Check the PO Box in Union weekly during summer months and sporadically during the off season.
· Collect Membership Dues and disperse as needed into the different funds.
· Update memberships as they are mailed into the PO Box.
· Update mailing list.
· Pay all outstanding bills/debts.
· Update monthly financials before every meeting.
· Manage Venmo, PayPal, and bank account.
· Manage Corporation notice at the Michigan Secretary of State.
· Determine meeting agendas with the President.
· Understand & adhere to the bylaws.
Section 6
All meetings shall be open to any and all members. Special meetings may be called by the President. Members must be notified two (2) weeks prior to any meeting of the general membership. There will be a minimum of 6 meetings per calendar year.
At all meetings, at least 75% of the Long-Coverdale Association Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the Board may adjourn the meeting. At any adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called.
A Board member may participate in a meeting remotely by conference call and participation in the meeting in this manner constitutes presence in person at the meeting.
The Board President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. In the absence of the President of the Board, the Vice President shall preside.
The Secretary of the Board shall act as Secretary at all meetings, but in the absence of the Secretary, the presiding officer may appoint any person to act as Secretary at the meeting.
Section 7
The Association members can volunteer for special committees. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except an appointed nominating committee. Any standing committee shall present a written report of their activities at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting so that it may be included in the annual budget report.
· Conservation Committee – Manages programs such as invasive weed control and aquatic issues to preserve the water quality of our lake. Handles fish stocking.
· Fireworks Committee – Plans and organizes the numerous details necessary to orchestrate a spectacular fireworks show on Long-Coverdale Lake on or around July 4th.
· Social Committee – Plans and organizes events around the lake that build our overall sense of community and result in stronger relationships for the lake community.
Section 8
The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition,” shall govern the Association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Section 9
These bylaws may be amended at a meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present. Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be presented by the Board at a meeting. Individuals or groups wishing to propose amendments must make their intentions known to the Board so that their proposal can be published to the members with notice of the meeting.
These bylaws shall become effective upon the ratification of a majority of the voting members at any meeting of the Association.
Section 10
The Board shall continue to maintain a post office box, P.O. Box 144, Union, Michigan, 49130, as a permanent address for the Association and shall maintain a bank account at Key Bank to provide adequate financial accountability. Bank is subject to change if needed.
Section 11
These bylaws shall be made available to any member upon request.
This Constitution and Bylaws were adopted by the Membership of the Long-Coverdale Lake Association, Inc., at a meeting held 9-14-88.
Amended June 10th, 1998
Amended June 13th, 2007
Amended November 14th, 2007
Amended May 14th, 2008
Amended November 9, 2011
Amended ??, 2022
Amended November 12, 2024
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